* Parking Update * The Downtown Parking lot is repaired and now OPEN! 


Coach's Corner

One-stop-shop for coaches information! The Coach's Corner will answer all the questions you have as a coach for the YMCA!


The YMCA invites you to join our team of Volunteer Coaches (training provided). Please e-mail your local sports director to apply today!

Coach Youth Sports FAQ


Becoming a volunteer coach is easy! You must fill out a Volunteer Coach Application, pass a Police Background Check and provide three references that the Sports Director can contact. A basic knowledge of the sport is preferred, but we can help with rules and drills!

How are teams formed?

Teams are formed by the night, time and location that you pick for practice. You may request a certain coach, location, night or time that fits your family best.

Will my special request be honored?

The Pikes Peak YMCA Sports Program will try to make every accommodation when dealing with special requests for coaches. However, not all requests can be honored.

How do i communicate my special request?

Send an e-mail to your local YMCA branch YMCA Sports Director.

How do i get a copy of my roster?

You will receive a copy of your roster at the coach’s meeting, however if you need it before then contact your Sports Director at the branch you are coaching.

Your roster is also located on Playerspace

Is Equipment Provided For Practices? If so, when and where do i get it?

Yes, equipment is provided. YMCA staff will have equipment at each practice.

What is the best way to contact my team?

The YMCA Sports Directors will send your rosters with all that information.

When will game schedules be finalized?

Game schedules will be finalized by the second week of practice. These schedules will be posted on Playerspace and you will receive an email when they are published.

When will my team receive their jerseys?

Your team will receive their jerseys by the first week of practice. Not all players order jerseys every single season, as some have them from other sports.

Where will games be played?

Game locations and times vary by branch location. Contact your Sports Director at your local branch that you are coaching to find out this information.

Are practice drills/resources available for first time coaches?

We will have information available at the coaches meeting prior to the start of the season. We also offer coaching clinics for interested coaches after the coaches meeting. For additional resources, contact your local Sports Department.

Can i volunteer for more than one sport?

Yes you may! The YMCA of the Pikes Peak Region sports is always looking for volunteer coaches. You may coach multiple teams in a season or several different sports throughout the year. If you are interested in coaching more teams/sports contact your Sports Director at your local YMCA.

Frequently Asked Playerspace Questions:

What is Playerspace?

Playerspace is a sports communication portal that the YMCA of the Pikes Peak Sports program has partnered with to enhance and improve the overall communication for our sports leagues.

Playerspace Parent Info

What information will be on Playerspace for parents?

Parents will find all the essential information for the league. You can find game schedules, snack lists, coach contact information, end of season party information and weather status updates and cancellations for games and practices.

How do i get on to Playerspace?

Playerspace.com is a website that you do not need a login for, you just simply review it as any other website.
Because it is strictly a website all you would need to do is go to Playerspace.com and enter your zip code. All of the YMCA branches will pop up. Then from there game schedules can be found underneath the Sports & Programs tab. Then lastly you would only need to find the division that you are looking for.

What if i am not receiving emails from Playerspace?

Be sure to check your junk, trash and spam folders for Playerspace. You will need to add the email to your safe sender list. If you still are not receiving emails contact your Sports Director at your local YMCA.

What if my team roster or game schedule is not present on Playerspace?

If you are missing any essential team information such as game schedule or roster, contact your Sports Director at the branch you are coaching for. Helpful video links on finding these are below.

Youth Sports Pledge

Every Youth Sports game opens with coaches, officials and children reciting the following pledge to reinforce good sportsmanship and values:

I pledge to play the game the best I can…
…to be a team player
…to respect my opponents, the rules, and officials
…and to improve myself in spirit, mind, and body.

7 Pillars of YMCA Youth Sports


The Y does not conduct tryouts to select the best players, nor do we cut kids from YMCA Youth Sports. Everyone who registers is assigned to a team. During the season everyone receives equal practice time and plays at least half of every game.


Although children may get hurt playing sports, we do everything we can to prevent injuries. We’ve modified each sport to make it safer and more enjoyable to play. We make sure the equipment and facilities are safe and teach the sport so the skills are appropriate for children’s developmental level. We gradually develop your player’s fitness levels so they are conditioned for the sport. We constantly supervise our young players and stop any unsafe activities.


Caring, Honesty, Respect, and Responsibility are about playing by the rules and more. It’s about you and your players showing respect for all that are involved in YMCA Youth Sports. It’s about you being a role model of sporting behavior and guiding your players to do the same. Remember, we’re more interested in developing children’s character through sports than in developing a few highly skilled players.


We believe competition is a positive process when the pursuit of victory remains in the right perspective. The right perspective is when adults make decisions that put the best interests of the children before winning the contest. Learning to compete is important for children, and learning to cooperate in a competitive world is an essential lesson of life. Through YMCA Youth Sports, we want to help children learn these values and for parents to do the same.


We encourage parents or guardians to be appropriately involved in your child’s participation in YMCA Youth Sports. We invite you to help as a volunteer coach, official, or timekeeper and encourage you to be at practices and games to support your child’s participation. To help you get involved appropriately, YMCA Youth Sports offers orientation programs, a code of conduct to support fair and inclusive sports practices and games, and a set of guidelines to help encourage positive skills development and increase your child’s self-image and self-confidence.


YMCA Youth Sports is an inclusive sport program. That means that children who differ in various characteristics are included in rather than excluded from participation. We offer sports programs for children who differ in physical abilities by matching them with children of similar abilities and modifying the sport. We offer programs to all children regardless of their race, gender, religious creed, or ability. We ask our adult leaders to encourage and appreciate the diversity of children in our society and to encourage the children and their parents to do the same.


Children love the challenge of mastering skills, playing with their friends, and competing with their peers. Sometimes when adults become involved in children’s sports they over organize and dominate the activity to the point that it destroys children’s enjoyment of the sport. If we take the fun out of sports for our children, we are in danger of the kids taking themselves out of sports. Remember the sports are for the kids; let them have fun.

Our partnership with Children's Hospital Colorado, Colorado Springs


With a focus on youth development, wellness and injury prevention, the YMCA of the Pikes Peak Region and Children’s Hospital Colorado partner to strengthen our community and help kids learn, grow and thrive.

Sign up for the Just Ask Children's newsletter at childrenscolorado.org/YMCA

kids playing ball

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  • Colorado Christian University Logo Safe_Place_

  • Centura-Penrose-St-Francis-Logo Colorado-Springs

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