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YMCA Financials

Your Donations At Work

A 501(c)(3) nonprofit, the YMCA of the Pikes Peak Region is one of our community's largest charities. The Y is an organization for all, never turning anyone away due to their inability to pay. Because of the generous gifts from supporters like you, the YMCA provided more than $602,000 in financial assistance last year. Our donors ensure all families, children, and seniors have a place to build a healthy spirit, mind, and body at the Y.

YMCA of the Pikes Peak Region 2022 Operating Financials (Non-GAAP)


Capital Contributions: $40,000
Contributions: $2,501,000
Membership Fees: $11,609,000
Program & Camping Fees: $7,087,000
Government Sources: $1,325,000
Investment & Other: $1,411,000

Total Revenue: $23,973,000


Personnel Costs: $13,981,000
Services & Supplies: $3,576,000
Occupancy: $3,889,000
Equipment: $36,000
Transportation: $199,000
Staff Development: $159,000
National Dues: $247,000
Financing: $508,000
Insurance: $464,000
Other: $675,000
Depreciation: $2,561,000
Facility & Program Reserves: $0

Total Expense: $26,295,000

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Thank You to Our Sponsors

Thank You to Our Accreditation Partners

YMCA of the Pikes Peak Region, a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization.
Association Offices: 207 North Nevada Avenue, Colorado Springs, CO 80903