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Financial Assistance

Everyone is welcome

The YMCA welcomes all who wish to participate and believes that no one should be denied access to the Y based on their ability to pay. Through our Annual Support Campaign, the YMCA of the Pikes Peak Region provides assistance to youth, adults and families based on individual needs and circumstances.

Committed to our community

Determining assistance amounts is handled by YMCA Family Centers in a fair and consistent manner. Every Y member receives the same membership benefits, regardless of whether or not they receive assistance. YMCA members can feel confident knowing that they are part of an organization that cares greatly for the well-being of all people, and is committed to youth development, healthy living and social responsibility.

Please Note

Financial Assistance reduces fees; it does not eliminate them. The YMCA requests that individuals and families reapply each year. If you do not reapply at the time requested, your membership will revert to full pay. Please contact your Y Family Center if you have any questions.

Please submit the following documents

I filed Federal Taxes for last year

  • Copy of most recent W-2
  • Copy of full tax return including 1040 and schedule C
  • Financial Assistance application
  • A personal letter explaining your need for assistance
  • Any other sources of income (child support, ect.)

I did not file Federal taxes for last year - or- My household income has changed since I filed taxes for last year

  • W-2
  • Copy of last two paystubs or unemployment income
  • Copy of last two month’s bank statements
  • Financial Assistance application
  • A personal letter explaining your need for assistance
  • Any other sources of income (Food stamps, Housing, ect.)
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YMCA of the Pikes Peak Region, a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization.
Association Offices: 207 North Nevada Avenue, Colorado Springs, CO 80903