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Learn & Play Policies

The Learn & Play staff believes that all children deserve the opportunity to discover who they are and what they can achieve. That’s why, through the Y, millions of youth today are cultivating the values, skills and relationships that lead to positive behaviors, better health and educational achievement.

Learn & Play exists for the purpose of providing a safe, nurturing environment for children while their parents utilize the YMCA facility. The Learn & Play program's collective spirit is characterized by Honesty, Respect, Responsibility, and Caring. Learn & Play staff are respectful of the beliefs, values and cultural diversity of the children and their families. The YMCA of the Pikes Peak Region strives toward developing a strong partnership with families. The Learn & Play staff will guide children toward open communication when conflict arises, identifying together respectful, peaceful solutions.

Protecting our children - Sleeping Practices

As always, your child's health & safety is our top priority.

Naps will be allowed as your child's needs dictate. Children will be placed on their backs in our cribs. However, sometimes children fall asleep in car seats, bouncers, swings or other inclined surfaces. 

The AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics) recommends infants should not be allowed to sleep in inclined positions (car seats, bouncers, swings, etc.).

AAP has published that the supine sleep position on a firm, flat, non-inclined surface does not increase the risk of choking and aspiration in infants and is recommended for every sleep.*

If you would like us to move your child from a swing, bouncer or other inclined surface to a crib should they fall asleep, please let us know and we will certainly honor your request.

Please let our Y staff know your preference for your child's sleeping in car seats, bouncers, swings, or other inclined surfaces.

We will allow infants to continue to sleep unless parents request otherwise.

*Moon,RY; Carlin RF; Hand I, et al. Sleep-Related Infant Deaths: Updated 2022 Recommendations for Reducing Infant Deaths in the Sleep Environment. Pediatrics (2022) 150 (1):e2022057990

Nanny Pass Policy

As a nanny for children of YMCA families, the nanny must provide photo ID and the primary account holder/nanny must fill out the Nanny Pass Agreement at the membership desk before utilizing the facility. A recurring monthly fee (keep this sentence).

Below are the following rules for nannies while using the YMCA facilities:

  • Nanny cannot use Learn & Play and must accompany children they are responsible for at all times while in the facility.
  • Nanny will scan themselves and the child/children in upon entering the facility.
  • Any violation of these restrictions will result in the Nanny Pass being revoked.

Who can use learn & play?

Learn & Play is a benefit for active memberships only. The participant being checked into Learn & Play must have an active membership.

Some centers provide services for partner facilities; please inquire at the membership desk for details.

Who can check children in/out?

For your child’s safety, parents, grandparents, sibling 16 years or older and legal guardians are the only members authorized to check their children in or out of Learn & Play programs. We will ask you to present your membership card and an additional government-issued photo ID when you check your child out. Parents and guardians may leave their children in Learn & Play for up to 2.5 hours per day. Parents and guardians may not leave the Y or the partner facility while their children are in Learn & Play.

Inconsolable Child

If the Learn & Play staff is unable to console a child after 10 minutes of continuous distress, we will page the parent to return to Learn & Play. We will make every effort to comfort your child, but we do not want any child to have a unhappy experience.


For the health and safety of all our children, we ask that children wear proper footwear to Learn & Play. We ask for your help in encouraging your child to leave their shoes on (shoes that tie or velcro are best, unless they are playing in the bounce house or structure, then they must wear socks).


You may provide a bottle, sippy cup, or other spill-proof container (such as a water bottle) for your child. Because of the high incidence of food allergies, no food is permitted in Learn & Play.


Children should not be in Learn & Play if they are ill and should not return to Learn & Play until they have been fever-free and symptom-free for 24 hours without medication. If, during your child’s visit, we discover that your child has a fever or other signs of illness, the staff will ask you to return to Learn & Play immediately.

A child should not be in Learn & Play if he/she has any of the following illnesses: fever over 100.5; vomiting; diarrhea; flu-like symptoms; persistent cough; yellow or green nasal drainage; bacterial conjunctivitis (pinkeye) and/or yellow discharge from the eye; strep throat; hand, foot, & mouth disease; exposed rash without doctor’s approval, and head lice.

If you discover that your child has one of the conditions noted above after a recent visit to Learn & Play (24 hours), please notify the Y staff.

Personal Items/Toys/Electronic devices

All personal items that you bring to Learn & Play must be labeled with your child’s name. We ask that you do not bring your child’s toys or electronic devices to Learn & Play; they may get lost or broken and it is often difficult for a child to share them with other children. While we are respectful of personal property and will do our best to safeguard these items, the Y is not responsible for loss or damage to personal items.


Our staff will do their best to involve every child in age-appropriate activities including: arts and crafts; music and dance; toys, games and puzzles; physical activity and outdoor playtime (weather permitting).

Special needs & accommodation

It is the intent of the YMCA of the Pikes Peak Region to include children with special needs in activities to the greatest extent possible. Recognizing limitations due to a child’s special need is important and, with this in mind, the YMCA will make every attempt to adapt program activities, staffing and facilities through reasonable accommodation. It is recommended that a family member tour the program area with the appropriate YMCA staff, along with the child before the first day of services. This provides the family with an opportunity to observe the program, facility and staff. This also allows the staff to learn what can be done to enhance the child’s involvement in the program.

Diapers & Toilet Training

Learn & Play staff will change disposable diapers for babies under 3 years old with supplies (diapers, wipes) you provide in their diaper bag or backpack. We do not change or store soiled cloth diapers; parents will be called to take care of cloth diapers.

If a child is the process of toilet training please notify the staff; the Learn & Play staff will do our best to remind your child to use the restroom on a regular basis. Learn & Play staff will not accompany children into the bathroom stalls nor will they assist with bathroom functions or with changing clothes. Parents will be called to assist their children and an additional 10 minutes will be added onto allotted time. If a child has an accident, parents will call to Learn & Play, and staff will comfort and assist the child.

Behavior guidelines & management policies

Limits are set positively and are developmentally appropriate based on the child’s age and development stage.

The Learn & Play staff works with children to respect the rights and feelings of others and to avoid disruptive behaviors that would interfere with program activities. Aggressive behaviors such as hitting, kicking, biting, tripping, verbal “put-downs”, spitting and other similar inappropriate behaviors will not be tolerated and staff will work with parents.

When a child is aggressive or disruptive, the following steps may be taken:

  • Learn & Play staff will stop the child from hurting him/herself or others.
  • Learn & Play staff will redirect the child to another activity or encourage time away from the activity.
  • If the behavior happens again, the Learn & Play staff will again try to redirect and calm the child. Parents will be notified and the behavior will be documented.
  • If the behavior is persistent and the Learn & Play staff cannot redirect the child to other activities, then the parent will be asked to come and pick up the child from the program.
  • If a child consistently displays inappropriate behavior in the program, the child may be suspended for an extended period of time.


Staff cannot administer any medication. If a child is in the program and needs medication, a parent or guardian will need to administer the medication.


Child’s safety is the Learn & Play staff's number one priority. In the event of a building evacuation, staff will take the children out to the assigned location. During an evacuation, parents will not be allowed to check children out until the children are in a secured area and attendance will be taken.


Learn & Play (age weeks - 6 years old) and Kids Zone (age 7 - 10 years old)

Learn & Play and Kids Zone are provided to members for up to 2.5 hours per day. To use Learn & Play or Kids Zone, the child must be active members on an account.

Guest Passes

Children who are not active members or are guests of members are not eligible to utilize the Learn & Play or Kids Zone programs.

To learn more about our additional policies, explore the links below!

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YMCA of the Pikes Peak Region, a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization.
Association Offices: 207 North Nevada Avenue, Colorado Springs, CO 80903