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A man and woman engaging in a partner workout at a gym. Both are holding a high plank position while giving each other a high-five, smiling as they exercise together. The gym equipment, such as weight machines and mirrors, can be seen in the background.

Check out our new partner training options for
both members and nonmembers.

Click here
to learn more about Personal Training
Join the Y Today!
Logo for a 60-minute workout program. The design features a stopwatch icon with the number '60' inside, followed by the words 'Minute Workout' in bold purple and pink gradient text. A soundwave graphic is placed to the right, adding a dynamic and energetic element to the logo.

YMCA Member Packages

4 Sessions $190*
8 Sessions $310*
12 Sessions $445*
16 Sessions $588*
24 Sessions $874*

FLASH SALE February 13 - 15

4 Sessions $161.50*
8 Sessions $263.50*
12 Sessions $378.25*
16 Sessions $499.80*
24 Sessions $742.90*

*Price Per Partner, limit two people.
Please visit your local YMCA branch to register!
Any partner combination of member and non-members is welcome!

Join our team! We’re Hiring!
See Current Job Openings

Thank You to Our Sponsors

Thank You to Our Accreditation Partners

YMCA of the Pikes Peak Region, a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization.
Association Offices: 207 North Nevada Avenue, Colorado Springs, CO 80903