My Account
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(For iPhones)
(For iPhones)

How to set up your account:

  1. Go to the App Store or Google Play and search for 'Pikes Peak YMCA'
  2. Click the download or install button (it's free!) and then open the app.
  3. The app will prompt you to allow location access. Click 'allow' to get notified of deals and alerts for your home branch.
  4. The app will prompt you to allow PUSH notifications. Click 'allow' to get facility updates, deals, emergency alerts, etc.
  5. Click 'Login' (If you are not a member, you can join online or at a center. Click the 'not a member' link for a free trial pass.)
  6. Click 'Create Account' and pick your favorite center, then enter the necessary info (email and a password) and check the 'terms of use' box, then click submit.
  7. The app will take you on a short tour of its features. Click 'Go to App' in the top right corner when you're done.
  8. You did it! Explore all the app has to offer (check out some of its best features below).

Suggested step:

After you've downloaded the app, we recommend entering your ID number into the barcode feature at the top left of the app so you can scan in with your phone!
(Your ID number is on your key card or you can ask the front desk)


Set up your profile

By entering your gender, height and weight, the app will be able to estimate how many calories you burned during each workout!

Record a workout

You can record manually, or use xCapture to take a picture of your machine's screen and the info will be entered automatically!

Find a class

Sort by date, type or even instructor and find the perfect class! You can add classes to your calendar with the click of a button.

Ask a question

Use the 'support' tab (top right) to let us know about broken equipment, ask about your membership or give us a suggestion.

Set a goal

Set a goal based on time, distance, calories or number of workouts and work your way to success as the app tracks your progress!

Take on a challenge

Need some extra motivation to exercise? Join a challenge, compete with other Y members and win fun prizes!

Connect your device

Do you have a wearable device or a favorite workout app? Connect them to the Y app and workouts are entered automatically!

Discover a deal

Get the most out of your membership and take advantage of any special deals (including refer a friend and PT sales) in the deals tile.

See workout history

Look back on all of your exercise accomplishments and and review stats for each workout you recorded!

Join our team! We’re Hiring!
See Current Job Openings

Thank You to Our Sponsors

Thank You to Our Accreditation Partners

YMCA of the Pikes Peak Region, a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization.
Association Offices: 207 North Nevada Avenue, Colorado Springs, CO 80903