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Your donation, no matter what size, makes a difference and ensures the Y can continue to be there for our community when they need us most.

We’re in this together and our goal is to reach 100% staff giving in the 2021 Annual Support Campaign.

Every dollar raised in the Annual Support Campaign goes directly to support the Y's financial assistance programs across our community. This isn't about keeping the lights on in our buildings or buying new exercise equipment; it's all about supporting our neighbors in need.


$5 per pay period = $120 gift
3 kids can learn new skills, gain confidence, and experience the fun of being part of a team in one of the Y's youth sports programs.
$20 per pay period = $600 gift
A cancer survivor and their family can participate in the LIVESTRONG® program, where they not only regain their strength but also build confidence and new friendships.
$10 per pay period = $240 gift
4 kids can participate in the Safety Around Water program, where they learn life-saving skills to prevent accidental drowning.
$50 per pay period = $1,200 gift
2 kids can attend Camp Shady Brook where they can connect with nature, build friendships that last a lifetime and build skills that last a lifetime.
Gifts of $250 or more are also eligible for the Colorado Child Care Contribution Tax Credit, which allows most donors to take a credit on their CO state income taxes for 50% of their total contribution. So a gift of $500 can result in a $250 credit on your state income taxes!


The Y offers several options so you can select one that works best for you. These include:

*Bi-weekly payroll deduction: Your pledge can be paid in installments through deductions directly from your paycheck. You determine the amount you’d like to have deducted from each payroll over the course of 24 pay periods in 2021. Not sure how much you’d need to have deducted each period to reach your total gift? Check out this chart for answers.

*One-time payroll deduction: You can also have your gift deducted from your paycheck in the pay period of your choosing. Simply let us know when you’d like the gift deducted and you are set.

*Cash, check, or credit card: If you’d like to pay through any of these methods, you can absolutely do so. Just select the appropriate method on your pledge form and the Development Office will follow up with you.

Your pledge can be paid in installments through deductions directly from your paycheck. Annual Support Campaign gifts are deducted from 24 of the 26 pay periods each year. Not sure how much you need to deduct from each check to reach your total gift? Check out this chart for clarification.

If you know that you’d like to give a certain dollar amount from each paycheck, simply multiply that amount by 24 for your total gift.

As a 501(c)3 nonprofit, gifts to the Y are tax deductible for most donors.

Most donors can also take advantage of the Colorado Child Care Contribution Tax Credit (CCCC). This credit allows most donors to take up to a credit on their Colorado income taxes of 50% of their total gift. So a donor who gives $500 will likely see $250 of that back through a credit on the state income taxes. 

At the end of each year, donors using the CCCC will receive a form they can use to complete their taxes. 

Yes, you can absolutely earmark your gift to support any of the YMCAs here in the Pikes Peak Region, including Camp Shady Brook, the Colorado Springs Senior Center, as well as Association Child Care & Youth Programming. 

You don’t have to limit your choice to just one center either. You can select multiple centers when completing your pledge form and just tell us how you’d like your gift divided in the “Notes” box.

Feel free to ask your supervisor any questions you have related to the Annual Support Campaign. You can also reach out to the Y's Development Office at [email protected]

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YMCA of the Pikes Peak Region, a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization.
Association Offices: 207 North Nevada Avenue, Colorado Springs, CO 80903